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The Prize Presentation Of Emblem and Mascot Design Of the International Department

To broaden students’ horizons and increase their understandings of foreign universities , the International Department held an "The Emblem and Mascot Design Competition" at the beginning of this semester.

During this competition, there were 17 emblems and 3 mascots submitted by 16 students in total.

At 5 PM, April 17, teacher Guowei Xie hosted the "Prize Presentation Of Emblem and Mascot Design " activity in the conference room on the first floor of the school.

This event not only fully demonstrated the students’ colorful and creative talents and enriched students' extra-curricular cultural lives, but also enhanced the cohesive force among students and inspired the sense of identity and honor between teachers and students in the international division. It also laid a good foundation for the next activity of collecting emblem and mascot.

The vice principal of our school Yan Li presented the awards and honor certificates for the first group 16 students who had participated in the activities and summarized the meaningfulness of this activity. At last Yan Li made the specific requirements for the next activity based on the actual situation of our school.

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