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2015年4月24日,王跃进校长一行在德卢斯教育局局长William L. Gronseth先生和副局长Eddie J. Crawford先生的陪同下,访问了姐妹学校丹菲尔德高中(Danfield High school)和东部高中(East High school),受到两位学校校长的热情接待。期间,王跃进校长介绍了我校目前的巨大变化和飞速发展,两位校长非常期待,分别表示今年六月一定到大连回访我校。随后王校长一行在两位局长陪同下参观了两所学校,王跃进校长对两所学校的师生给予了高度的肯定,特别是他们对“特殊学生”所采取的“关怀教育”给予了高度赞扬。访问期间,双方就进一步合作也彼此交换了意见——培养具有国际视野的综合性领袖型人才是双方共同的心愿。双方达成共识:在德卢斯教育局的大力支持下,双方进一步合作,为培养国际精英贡献力量。


图 德卢斯教育局局长、副局长陪同王跃进校长拜访丹菲尔德高中校长

图 东部高中特殊学生物资储备室

图 王跃进校长与东部高中校长达成合作

图 王跃进校长与丹菲尔德高中达成合作事宜



Principal Wang Visit Sister High Schools in Duluth

On April 24th with the company of Superintendent Mr. William L. Gronseth and Assistant Superintendent Mr. Eddie J. Crawford, Principal Wang and his delegation went to visit two sister high schools, Danfeld High School and The East High School, and received warm welcome. Principal Wang introduced the transformation and fast development of our school during the last two years. Principals of the sister high schools expressed great interest in visiting our school in June. While touring the two schools, Principal Wang spoke highly of teachers and students, especially their outstanding special education. The two parties exchanged ideas on further exchange program and collaboration to cultivate global talents and world leaders. With concerted efforts, the two partied believe that they can contribute more to global talents education.



版权所有:大连理工大学附属高中  地址:中国·辽宁省大连市高新园区软件园路燕南街燕南园20A  邮编:116024
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