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2015年4月23日,王跃进校长、国际部赵菲主任、AP项目主管袁绪祎一行应邀拜访德卢斯教育局局长William L. Gronseth先生和副局长Eddie J. Crawford先生,这是继2003年我校成功与德卢斯教育局签署合作协议后,德卢斯的丹菲尔德高中和东部高中正式成为我校姐妹学校后又一次正式会谈。本次会谈双方对目前的合作给予了充分的肯定,分别表示希望合作可以更长期有效的进行下去。德卢斯教育局局长William L. Gronseth先生承诺:今年六月将排15名左右师生来我校交流访问三周;王跃进校长也承诺:今年九月将安排20几名学生去德卢斯进行学习体验。


图王跃进校长一行与教育局局长William L. Gronseth先生和副局长Eddie J. Crawford先生



Visit to Duluth Education Department

On April 23rd Principal Wang, Director of International Department Ms. Zhao and AP Program Supervisor Ms. Yuan were invited to visit the Superintendent of Duluth Education Department, Mr. William L. Gronseth and Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Eddie J. Crawford. This was the first time the two parties held official meeting after signing cooperation agreement and building up sister schools with Danfeld High School and The East High School in 2003. On the meeting the two parties expressed confidence in further cooperation and hoped to explore long term collaboration. Mr. William L. Gronseth said there would be about 15 students coming to visit our school for three weeks in June; Meanwhile Principal Wang also promised to send about 20 students to visit Duluth. The two parties exchanged ideas on long term cultural exchange and faculty and students exchange to develop deeper cooperation.

版权所有:大连理工大学附属高中  地址:中国·辽宁省大连市高新园区软件园路燕南街燕南园20A  邮编:116024
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